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5 English Songs You Must Listen to Master Vocabulary for IELTS

How about enhancing your English proficiency through music? Sounds fun, right? Check out 5 English songs you must listen to master your vocabulary for IELTS!
‘Let It Be’ by The Beatles
A comforting and inspiring song by The Beatles, encouraging listeners to find peace in difficult times.
‘Imagine’ by John Lennon
A powerful and hopeful song by John Lennon, envisioning a world of peace and unity.
‘I am a Believer’ by The Monkees
A cheerful and catchy tune by The Monkees, capturing the joy and excitement of finding true love.
‘Island in the Stream’ by Kenny Rogers, Dolly Parton
A timeless duet by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton, celebrating a deep and enduring love between two people.
‘The Logical Song’ by Supertramp
A thought-provoking track by Supertramp that explores the complexities of growing up and the search for meaning in life.
How Music Enhances Learning
We can absorb information more effectively when we experience positive emotions. Music, with its ability to evoke relaxation, enhances the learning experience.
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