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5 Tips to Expand Your Word Bank for IELTS Vocabulary

There are countless ways to expand your vocabulary, but the most creative methods make learning both fun and effective. Tap here for 5 tips to expand your word bank for IELTS Vocabulary.
Tip#1 Reading
Reading is an excellent way to learn new words in context. Pick your favorite genre of book, and look up any unfamiliar words in a dictionary or thesaurus to expand your vocabulary.
Tip#2 Learning from Movies and TV Shows
Watching movies and TV shows is another enjoyable way to expand your vocabulary. Pay attention to the dialogue and identify unfamiliar words to enhance your word bank.
Tip#3 Listening to Music
Listening to music is a fun and relaxing way to learn new words. Pay attention to the lyrics and try to pick out words you don't know.
Tip#4 Using a Thesaurus
Using a thesaurus helps you find synonyms and antonyms, expanding your vocabulary and enhancing your word usage versatility.
Tip #5 Keeping a Vocabulary Journal
A vocabulary journal is a record where you note new words, their definitions, and example sentences. It helps track your progress in learning and reinforces vocabulary retention through regular review and application in context.
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