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6 Awesome Tips to Finish IELTS Reading Exam in Less Than 60 Minutes

You have 60 minutes to answer 40 questions across three passages of varying difficulty in IELTS Reading Comprehension. Do you find it nerve-wracking? Here’s how you can overcome the challenge with the right strategies.
Strategy 1: Pay Attention to Question Order

Questions in IELTS Reading follow text order. Start from the beginning for the first question's answer and proceed through paragraphs for subsequent answers.

Strategy 2: Matching Questions with Text Order

Divide the texts in half. Answer the first set of questions related to the first half, and the second set for the latter half to navigate efficiently.

Strategy 3: Divide Your Time For IELTS Reading
  • Allocate 15 minutes for reading passages
  • Spend 40 minutes on answering questions
  • Reserve 5 minutes for revision
Strategy 4: Matching Headings in IELTS Reading

Matching heading questions come before the passage. This ensures headings are understood before skimming through the text.

Strategy 5: Follow Instructions Carefully
  • Read each question's instructions thoroughly.
  • Note word limits and case requirements.
  • Ensure correct spelling for accurate answers.
Strategy 6: Improve your Vocabulary

IELTS Reading questions often use synonyms of answers found in the passage. So, practice regularly to identify the synonyms. 

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