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Common Idioms for IELTS Speaking Test 2024

Ready to crack the IELTS Speaking Test like a pro? Learn the common idioms to show off your language skills & find out how they enhance your expression!
In the red
Meaning: Operating at a financial loss.

Eg: After spending on unnecessary luxuries, his bank account was deep in the red.
Down to earth
Meaning: Practical, realistic, and sensible.

Eg: Despite her fame, she remains down to earth and only shops at local stores.
Learn by heart
Meaning: To memorize something thoroughly.

Eg: He learned all the dance moves by heart after practicing every day for months.
Beat around the bush
Meaning: To avoid directly addressing a situation.

Eg: Instead of directly saying, he started beating around the bush with unrelated stories.
Blind as a bat
Meaning: Having extremely poor eyesight.

Eg: Without his glasses, he is as blind as a bat and struggles to even read.
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