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Different Types of Sentences for IELTS Writing

Understanding sentence types is crucial for scoring well in IELTS Writing. Enhance clarity and coherence, with simple, compound, complex, and conditional sentences.
Simple Sentences

Subject + Verb + Object
Example: The cat sat on the mat.
Usage: Good for basic information.
Compound Sentences

Two Simple Sentences + (and, but, or)
Example: I was tired, but I finished my work.
Usage: Connects related ideas.
Complex Sentences

Main Sentence + (because, although) + Extra Information
Example: Because it was late, we went home.
Usage: Shows how ideas are related.
Compound-Complex Sentences

Compound Sentence + Complex Sentence
Example: I cooked dinner, and he washed the dishes because I was tired.
Usage: Shows advanced writing skills.
Conditional Sentences

If + Condition + Result
Example: If you study, you will pass.
Usage: Talks about possibilities.
Using a variety of sentence types enhances your IELTS Writing by making your essay more engaging and demonstrating your linguistic range.
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