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Do Spelling Mistakes Impact Your IELTS Writing Score?

Do spelling errors like confusing ‘lose’ with ‘loose’ impact your IELTS Writing score? Find out what examiners think!
Importance of Correct Spellings in IELTS Writing
From the examiner's perspective, using the right words accurately demonstrates your understanding of vocabulary and language nuances.
Spelling Errors Change Meaning
Errors like confusing ‘lose’ with ‘loose’ can change the whole meaning of a sentence; 'lose' means to misplace or fail to win, while 'loose' means not tight or free.
What Do Such Errors in IELTS Writing Indicate?
Spelling errors like these may indicate language proficiency gaps. So, yes, it does impact your IELTS writing score.
Now don’t worry!

We all make mistakes! Follow our expert tips to improve your IELTS writing score.
Tip #1 Practice with Vocabulary
Regularly review and practice commonly confused words like ‘lose’ and ‘loose’ in context.
Tip#2 Proofread Carefully
Always proofread your writing to catch spelling errors before submitting your IELTS test.
Tip#3 Seek Feedback
Have someone proficient in English review your writing to identify and correct spelling errors.
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