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‘Have a Lot on One's Plate’ IELTS Idiom: Meaning, History, Usage, and

The idiom ‘Have a Lot on One's Plate’ means to have a lot of tasks or responsibilities to deal with. Find out its history, some examples and how to best use it in IELTS!
History of ‘Have a Lot on One’s Plate’ Idiom
The idiom likely originated from the image of a full plate of food, later extended metaphorically to represent having many tasks or responsibilities to manage.
Examples for ‘Have a Lot on One’s Plate’ Idiom
  • Ritu’s got a lot on her plate - especially with three new assignments starting this month.
  • I have got a lot on my plate right now, so I won’t be able to join you for the movie tonight.
How to Use ‘Have a Lot on One’s Plate’ in IELTS Speaking?
In IELTS speaking, you can effectively use the idiom ‘Have a lot on one's plate’ to express discomfort in certain situations. 

Let’s see an example!
Example in IELTS Speaking
“During my last semester I had several assignments due, along with my part-time job. I really had a lot on my plate during that time."
Why Use this Idiom?
Using idioms like ‘Have a Lot on One's Plate’ in IELTS Speaking can make your responses sound more natural and expressive, showcasing your command over the English language.
Pro Tip
To get comfortable with idioms, practice incorporating them into your daily conversations and speaking exercises!
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