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How to Avoid Filler Words in IELTS Speaking?

Filler words like ‘um’, ‘uh’, and ‘you know’ can greatly impact your IELTS Speaking performance. Tap here for some practical tips to avoid using filler words in the IELTS exam.
Practice Regularly
Regular practice with mock IELTS tests will help you get ready with ideas to share. You will speak less ‘umms’ and ‘aahhhs’ the more you have to say and the more you practice the questions.
Slow Down Your Speech
Speaking too quickly can lead to filler words as your brain struggles to keep up with what you’re saying. So, practice speaking at a slower pace, focus on enunciating each word clearly and take your time to articulate your thoughts fully.
Practice Pausing
Pausing instead of using filler words gives you time to think without interrupting the flow of your speech. So, instead of saying, "I, um, think that," try pausing briefly: "I... think that". It will make your speech more impactful.
Expand Your Vocabulary
A rich vocabulary can help you express your thoughts more clearly, reducing the need for filler words. For that, read extensively and practice using new vocabulary in your daily conversations. Automatically, instead of saying, "It's, um, interesting," you will say, "It's fascinating.".
Native Speaker’s Use of Filler Words
While even native speakers say ‘umm’ when thinking, it’s best to avoid it in the IELTS test to maintain a steady flow of speech. Examiners can excuse a few ‘umms’ related to ideas but not language. So, to avoid lowering your score, you can ask the examiner to repeat the question for extra thinking time.
Implement these tips to enhance your IELTS speaking performance.

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