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Reasons Why You Should Avoid Using ‘I’ in Writing Task 2 Essay

One key strategy for achieving a high score in IELTS is avoiding personal pronouns like ‘I’ in the Writing Task 2 Essay. Let's explore how you can make your essay stronger and more formal.
Enhance Objectivity
By avoiding ‘I’, you present your arguments in a more objective and unbiased manner, which is crucial for academic writing. Also, avoiding ‘I’ makes it easy to differentiate between the truth and your opinion.
Formal Tone
The IELTS Writing Task 2 essay requires a formal tone. Avoiding personal pronouns helps maintain this formality, making your writing sound more professional and appropriate for the task.
Strengthen Arguments
When you eliminate personal pronouns, your arguments appear stronger and more universal. Instead of saying, "I think recycling is essential," you can say, "Recycling is essential." This approach makes your points more authoritative.
Improve Clarity
Avoiding ‘I’ can help you focus on the topic rather than your personal views. This clarity ensures that your essay stays on track and directly addresses the prompt.
Follow the Instruction
Unlike an Opinion essay, Cause/effect or Advantage/Disadvantage essays rarely ask you to present your idea. So, it is unnecessary to use ‘l’ in such cases.
Alternatives of ‘I’
Instead of  using  ‘I', one can use linkers like 'Personally’, 'From my perspective’, ‘In my opinion'. They make your writing eloquent and help you score high in vocabulary.
If you want to know more about usage of pronouns in IELTS, follow the link below to talk to our IELTS experts.
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