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Right Vocabulary to Present Data in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

Using the right vocabulary in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 can significantly enhance your description of graphs, charts, and tables. Tap here to explore key terms and phrases to help you excel in this task.
Describing Trends
  • Upward Trends: rise, increase, grow, surge, climb
  • Downward Trends: decrease, decline, drop, fall, plunge
Example: The number of students enrolled in the university increased significantly from 2000 to 2020.
Comparing Data
  • Comparisons: higher than, lower than, more, less, greater, fewer
  • Similarities: similarly, likewise, comparable, almost the same as
Example: The sales figures for smartphones were higher than those for tablets in the first quarter.
Highlighting Significant Changes
  • Significant Changes: dramatically, significantly, considerably, markedly, sharply
  • Minor Changes: slightly, marginally, gradually, steadily
Example: The unemployment rate dropped sharply in the last quarter of the year.
Describing Proportions and Percentages
  • Proportions: majority, minority, a large number of, a small fraction of
  • Percentages: percentage, percent, proportion, rate
Example: A large proportion of the population, approximately 75%, prefers online shopping.
Using Time Expressions
  • during
  • over the period
  • between
  • from...to…
  • in (year/month)
  • by (year)
Example: The company's profits increased steadily from 2015 to 2020.
Explaining Cause and Effect
  • due to
  • because of
  • as a result of
  • consequently
  • therefore
Example: The decline in sales was primarily due to the economic recession.
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