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Top 5 IELTS Vocabulary Mistakes You Must Avoid

Having a decent vocabulary does have a huge impact on your IELTS score. But 5 common vocabulary mistakes can break the deal for you! Tap to find out!
Using overly complex words
Avoid using heavy words if you are not sure how to use them in context.

For example: Instead of saying ‘copious,’ which means abundant, you can say ‘a lot of’ or ‘many.’
Understanding the context
Words can have different meanings depending on the situation so always consider the specific context.

For example: ‘Interesting’ can mean both engaging or unusual. Understanding the context helps you use the right word at the right places.
Misusing common words
Be careful with words that sound similar but have different meanings.

For example: ‘Actually’ means ‘in fact,’ not ‘currently.’
Using vague words
Avoid using vague words like ‘thing,’ ‘stuff,’ or ‘very’ and be very specific in your language.

For example:
Instead of ‘thing,’ say ‘issue’ or ‘item,’ and instead of ‘very,’ say ‘extremely’ or ‘highly.’
Overusing linking words
While linking words (e.g., ‘however,’ ‘therefore’) are useful for coherence, never use them excessively. Use them when they add meaning to your sentences.
Avoiding these mistakes will help you use vocabulary effectively in the IELTS exam!

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