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Top 5 Tips to Master IELTS Speaking Cue Cards Questions

Preparing for the IELTS speaking cue cards can be a bit tricky! Let us help you with our 5 secret tips now!
The Task 2 Cue Card of IELTS speaking requires you to speak for 2 minutes on a given topic.
Let us spill 5 secret tricks to help you crack this round effortlessly!
Tip 1: Smile while you speak!
This can calm your nerves and make you pronounce clearly in IELTS Speaking. It's important to open your mouth wide when you talk so that your words come out clearly.
Tip 2: Answer with ‘WH’ questions!

Prepare the storyline with 'When', 'Where', 'Who', 'Why' and ‘How’ to craft a perfect cue card answer.

Tip 3: Visualize a mind map!

This actually helps since you can visually organize your ideas in order to make a proper story and present it fluently without fillers.

Tip 4: Avoid a Monotone!

Try not to speak in a flat tone without ups and downs in your speech. Emphasizing key information and using pauses in your speech can make it more interesting for the listener.

Pro tip: Memorizing also sounds flat!

Examiners can easily find out if your answers are memorized because of the monotonous answers that you provide unknowingly! So, beware of it!

Excited to learn more tricks like these
to ace your
IELTS Speaking cue cards in no time?