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What are the levels of IELTS bands?

Your IELTS band score is a measure of your English language proficiency across listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Learn about the different levels of IELTS bands, ranging from Non-User to Expert User.
Band 9 - Expert User
Scoring Band 9 indicates near-native proficiency. Candidates handle complex language effortlessly, showcasing advanced fluency and accuracy.
Band 6-8 - Competent User
Bands 6 to 8 represent competent English users with varying degrees of fluency, accuracy, and sophistication.
Band 4-5 - Limited User
Candidates in Bands 4 and 5 have a limited command of English, struggling with complex language but managing simple communication.
Band 2-3 - Extremely Limited User
At Bands 2 and 3, candidates demonstrate minimal understanding and communication ability, conveying basic information in familiar contexts.
Band 1 - Non-User
A Band 1 score indicates a lack of English proficiency, with minimal understanding and communication skills.
Achieve your desired IELTS band with confidence by joining our expert-led classes.
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